so, here are some photos from the atlanta trip to anthropologie. now that i look back on the photos i took, i wish i took more. but you'll get the idea. the coolest part of this whole trip was reading the main concepts that anthropologie sent us weeks before through email, in detail, describing how the displays would be set up. we concentrated on two displays called "Mabel's Lane" and "Diener".
next up was the Diener concept. Not to be confused with "diner", this display was supposed to feature, once again, kitchen items but in a setting that was reminiscent of a diner/cafe but using paper items to decorate. See all those stacked dishes? Well, they're just paper plates hot glued onto each other (i have hot glue gun burns to prove this). The walls are covered in paper checks. We were encouraged to fill out fake orders onto them to make it look like they were real diner checks. I loved that! It was so fun and I think it turned out perfect.