these photos kind of brightened up my day. i don't know, the past couple days have been weird. i just feel a little lost. last night was a nice, fun break from that feeling though. my brain is all over the place & i sort of feel cloudy. i don't like this. hopefully it will pass soon. i'm also coming down with something & i may have to go back to NJ for a couple days for a family issue. my grandma is not doing so well. I don't have anything cool to say and I just want to sleep for 10 thousand hours (bad sign) so, please just look at these breath taking photos from Sarah Maingot & hopefully they will make your day a little better too.
23 year old girl (woman?) explorin' and happily residing in Brooklyn. Likes iced coffee, lipstick, fat babies & sarcasm. Hates preachy people, seafood, close walkers and sweatpants. Your Grandma will like me but your Bro friend won't.