I've been a ball of emotions so I'm pretty sure that I appeared quite crazy & unstable throughout the entire 1 hour and 37 minute trip on the tiny aircraft. I went from staring out the window listening to Silver Jews on my ipod crying to maniacally laughing & smiling at how fucking funny this book is, of course with cracker crumbs all over my flannel shirt while simultaneously downing ginger ale (my ~*GO TO*~ plane drink. what a jetsetter!)
Some gals are real traditional and want to fall asleep with a guy, whispering in their ears telling them how ~special~ they are or whatever. Don't get me wrong, that sounds cool & all but I think I'd rather have a guy making me hysterical laugh with their cynical yet completely accurate & hilarious observations about society/religion/america. So reading David Cross' book is really as close as I'm getting to that and that's a-okay with me. I totally recommend this book and I can't wait to fall asleep with it tonight. It is just what I need right now. Good ol' fashioned negative humor.