Saturday, August 20, 2011

this past week

this past week was nice & busy. i spent last weekend in nyc & went to the ny gift fair (which was SO cool), i officially decided to launch a new etsy shop & have an already growing inventory, my second article for small kitchen college was published, my boyfriend left for chicago (which means goodbye til october. bleh.), my best friend came back into town for the weekend (and i got to get a lil tipsy~*) and i helped my mom today with a wedding she was creating flowers for!

so yeah, life is just life. there's a lot to look forward to for fall. tons of things. all of that helps me feel positive about being back in a LDR. there's so much to be excited about in so many ways and i'm just trying to focus on that. my new little shop is something that is really keeping me happy and i cannot wait to share it!

bye y'all