Saturday, July 17, 2010

i have updated way too much today so i'm going to take it easy the next 24/48 hours with posting but one last thing. my house has been taken over with knick knacks and kitschy pictures/items but lacking in photos of the ones I love and specific mementos that i've collected. this is where the two cork boards i have come into play.

i've been searching for a spot to put them, with no luck until tonight. the wall next to the pocket doors that take you from my bedroom to the living room area has been somewhat blank. it's the first thing i see when i open my eyes in the morning, so i decided to put those two boards up so i can see all my favorite souvenirs/letters/photos/ticket stubs/cards/etc. that mean so much to me. perfect way to end a very quiet saturday night.

oh, and there was a cat stare down this afternoon, which then lead to a brawl between four cats. i watched it all happen. i know, sad. one cat even FELL from that ledge. fell, screaming and crying. i hope it is alright! maybe I should have done something? it's like the Seinfeld finale. if that cat is dead I don't know what i'll do with myself!

alright. spending too much money at the bar last night has made me stay in tonight, which may mean that i've spent too many hours in my crazy old lady cocoon. time to go to bed.