Tuesday, March 9, 2010

isnt that outfit gorgeous? i keep staring at it trying to figure out what it is, where it begins, where it ends. brilliant.

can i just say that my brain is exploding? i want to throw in the towel with my projects (basically just textiles). I almost feel demented. I have cut hundreds and hundreds of these swatches for two separate assignments/projects and I can hardly tell which is satin, which is silk, etc. It's all too much to take in! I'm sorry! I just want this over with. I focused too much on colors, textures and my concept (UM the bulk of the project.) that I forgot to take note of exactly what each (all 95 of them) fiber the swatches are. I want to cry. I want all of it done. Not to mention this whole thing killed my bank account. Whatever, I'm being a brat and letting this all out but i CANNOT.WAIT.FOR.THIS.QUARTER.TO.BE.OVER.

I hope this presentation goes well. At least it looks pretty & organized. I NEED THIS SPRING BREAK in so many ways. I know everyone does. I'm not alone in this stress thing. But every little thing is getting on my nerves and I am taking it out on my lover (aka: the city of Savannah, not an actual human. Dont get me started on that)

Now i'm just watching shitty television while completing my projects, sitting in a mess of a room, still havent packed, and I feel like all of it in the end won't be good enough. I tried. BYE